Argentinian Fe_De has always stood out for his minimalist style and careful technical details in the music he produces for labels like Brique Rouge, Fantastic Friends Records and Howl. His kicks really kick, and his synths are seductive as they unfold, taking dancers on a mental and emotional trip much like his DJ sets at some of the underground’s most celebrated venues. His influences stem from a passion for delving into different styles and Asian cultures, but also from meditation and the practice of martial arts which are an important part of his creative process.
Fe_De played guitar from a young age and also studied Asiatic instruments and electric bass, which has influenced his production style and brought a whole new depth to his work: his tracks are hallmarked by auto-generative percussion, immersive atmospheric effects and explore elements of funk and jazz. His focus on details has allowed him to stand out from the crowd while also beaching an in-demand mixdown and mastering engineer. Truly, then, he is a modern minimal master.